2 Stroke Tuning Software


2 Stroke Tuning Software Online

Get a free copy of the spreadsheet: 2-STROKE TUNING - PORTING DESIGN CHECK (right click, and save destination as.) Just fill in the input fields, and you will readily get the results. The litterature on which the website is based on, are the books: 1. Design and simulation of Two-Stroke Engines by: Gordon P. Welcome to West Coast Porting. We specialize in 2 stroke porting. Our goal is to achieve the biggest power gains as possible, while maintaining reliability on your 2-stroke engine. We use computer design software to maximize power and torque at any elevation. Get a free copy of the spreadsheet: 2-STROKE TUNING - PORTING DESIGN CHECK (right click, and save destination as.) Just fill in the input fields, and you will readily get the results. The litterature on which the website is based on, are the books: 1. Design and simulation of Two-Stroke Engines by: Gordon P.

2T Exhaust Calc - Ver 1.1.0 / 6th April 2019

2 stroke tuning software for cars

2T Exhaust Calc is a Freeware program created to design a 2 Stroke engine performance exhaust system generally referred to as an 'Expansion Chamber'

The software equations used are derived from the work of Professor Gordon P Blair who carried out the most comprehensive scientic study of 2 stroke engines ever undertaken and published by SAE (Society Of Automotive Engineers.)

2 Stroke Tuning Software Free

This software covers the 3 stage diffuser type expansion chamber exhaust as per equations provided in his book entitled 'Design and Simulation of TWO-STROKE ENGINES' published in 1996

2T Exhaust Calc is Freeware, runs on all 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows

Any Donations greatly appreciated, please use PayPal link.

Download link

Self installing EXE inside ZIP file. 188KB 2tExCalcInst.zip

After download unzip installer from zip file (right click file in Windows and choose 'Expand') and see ReadMeInstaller.txt file to Install.


Stand alone program (no installer) inside ZIP file. 98.6KB 2tExCalc.zip Sims 4 weather mods.

You will need to create a folder for it to run it. Unzip files in to folder (right click zip file in Windows and choose 'Expand'), see ReadMe.txt file included in zip file.

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