Half-Life - esf EVM 2.1 Models fix v4.0 pack FINAL. This is intended as a composite models & Edited models pack, with MUCH more fixes & eye candy. This is my last models pack until esf v1.3 &/or EVM v3.0 is released. I will most likely have a credits list at my website for the models & others that were used & who made them.
Beta 1.2.3 (our latest stable release) currently has the largest player base out of all of the publicly release versions.- 24,787 downloads Uploaded: for the old players but to anyone willing to download and run the game. While the bigger part of esf's community went playing 1.2 at it's release saying 'it's amazing!' The fanbase of 1.1 slowly died and was totally forgotten, Reversed-ESF is the counter-attack on this and they hope for beta 1.1 to turn out to be the.
- Esf Ecx Rc3 Af Pack is not that easy to download because it is a paid pack. I know this because I have tried to find its free pack and mostly they say that I have to buy essay custom first and after that, I will get its free downloading link. But I am glad I have found your post because in which you have shared its pack.
Earth's Special Forces Open Beta Final (Unstable)
The Open Beta(Beta 1.3) is the last public release of ESF. This build is a snapshot of the inteam and contains many bugs and unfinished features.
Download ESF: Open Beta Final:
Earth's Special Forces Beta v1.1 (Reversed Pack)
The Beta 1.1 Reveresed Pack extends the old beta 1.1 so that it may be played with Steam.
- ESF dev team for the beta.
- 'Me' (a.k.a Rick) for the bots (v 3.1)
- CS-LAND for the steampatch (v 2.0)
Esf Models Pack Download 1.12.2
Download ESF v1.1 Reversed Pack:Esf Models Pack Download Torrent
Esf Models Pack Download 1.12.2